Sunday, December 14, 2008

Transforming Truths

One of my goals this year has been to teach my kindergarteners correct principles. These principles are not in the curriculum, but I try to teach them during teaching opportunities (mostly times of conflict) throughout the course of the day. Like, if you want to be happy, try to make other people happy, and you will feel good inside. Or, you have to take responsibility for your own actions. Or, people are more likely to do nice things for you if you ask them nicely. Or, just because you know more than another person does not make you better than them. And the list could go on.

But there are a few things that I wish I could teach the children that I cannot because of political reasons. I wish I could teach them truths that have changed my life, that transform the way I see the world and want to act in the world. And here are a few of them:

God loves each one of us very much.

Every person is of great worth because Jesus died for them. Jesus died for them and loves them, and so we should treat them with respect because of that.

God made our bodies and gave us our bodies, and so they are special and we need to treat them with respect.

Even though we make mistakes, we don't have to despair, because we can be forgiven. If we pray to Heavenly Father and ask Him to forgive us and help us not do it again, Heavenly Father will forgive us because Jesus died for us.

All the beautiful and good things in this world come from Jesus.

Heavenly Father can help us do hard things if we pray to Him for help.

And again, the list could go on. I love my kids so much and wish that I could teach them these things. But for now I'll try to teach them all the good things I'm allowed to, and I look forward to the day that I will be able to teach my own children these transforming truths.


Michelle Pyne said...

Your students are lucky to have you as a teacher! Keep teaching these principles. You are wonderful.

Caytee said...

You are such a great teacher. You teach us all those things by your wonderful example.

Shana said...

I happened to jump to your blog and I love it. I have felt like such a bad mom lately... You have given me such great ideas abbi! Thanks for that! :) You are gonna be the best Mom ever!