Friday, February 5, 2010

Just in a Regular Day...

Here are two phrases that I've heard in the last month that have made my eyes go big:

During Centers one afternoon a couple of the boys were playing in the dramatic play area. Here are the usual things they pretend about: being police men giving tickets, going to the store, and going to the "office." Occasionally they will go somewhere exciting like on an airplane or zoo. But this one beats all!
"Ms. Abbi, we're going to go see the porsche." The funniest thing about it was the way he pronounced it: "porsh-uh." Oh dear!

On Wednesday afternoon I was with my class in the art room and they were painting with watercolors. G's dad came to pick him up, but G still wanted to paint, and so G's dad just went to the other side of the room and talked on his cell phone. Here's one phrase I overhead while he was talking, "And what about the settlement for 1.2 million, has that gone through yet?" Yikes!

1 comment:

Michelle Pyne said...

Just your average, middle-class Americans.....