Friday, February 19, 2010

Perks of Working with 3 Year Olds

Hugs, high fives, and "I love you"s are a normal part of every day, multiple times a day. And occasionally I also hear, "Ms. Abbi, you're my best friend," or "Ms. Abbi, I like your hair that way."

Funny situations occur frequently which make me laugh out loud, but which rarely sound funny to those to whom I repeat the story.

When the (little) people around me at work make me mad, I'm allowed to give them a piece of my mind.

I get to see incredible growth, learning, and maturity take place within a very short time, such as K* saying with the exact tone, inflection, and facial expression I've used as I've modeled it many times: "That is my spot. Please scoot over" (rather than pushing his friend in the line leader spot). Or G* choosing to share a toy and exclaiming to me, "Ms. Abbi, I'm a peacemaker!"

I have something to look forward to every morning when I go to work: seeing the beautiful and adorable faces of my students, and the way their faces light up when they see me...

Some days I think, "I can't do this, this job just takes too much out of me," but then there are days like today when I feel like I have the best job I could ever ask for!


Jessi said...

We talk about being a peacemaker around here a lot. But the rest of the girls have kind of designated Emily as the peacemaker. I'm not sure she likes being the peacemaker ALL the time. :)

Michelle Pyne said...

Those little 3-year-olds are so fortunate to have you as their teacher. I'm so glad that on some days, life is worth living!

Katie said...

So cute Abbi! It's no surprise that they love you!