Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I haven't blogged for a long time because I've been so focused on blogging about the honeymoon and the camping trip we took, but my computer hasn't been letting me upload pictures, and so I just haven't blogged! But I finally said forget it, I'll just blog about random stuff, without pictures, and the honeymoon and camping pictures will have to wait. Here are some of the things I've wanted to share with you:

I am so happy because I feel like I'm finally starting to feel settled in to my new life as a married woman. I really am a new woman! I have a new last name, home, husband, driver's license, social security card, street address, email address, bank account, credit card, job, ward, calling, visiting teachers and visiting teachees, etc.! And I am almost done applying for a new passport. Hooray!

Chad and I went to opening night of Bourne Ultimatum and absolutely loved it. It was thrilling, and I would really recommend that you go to the theaters to watch it! I had only seen the first two of the series on video, and as exciting as they were at home, this one is even way more exciting on the big screen! So much fun. (We also went to the Deer Valley Resort to see the 1812 overture and that was super fun also!) Does Chad treat me well or what?

A little piece of revelation I received today was: I shouldn't expect easiness and perfection--I should expect work and progression.

This week has been such a good week for us! On Saturday Caytee and Preston visited us, on Sunday we had Chad's friends Chad and Connie over for some dinner and games, on Monday we played tennis with Chad's friends Dan and Christy Sue, on Tuesday we had Chad's friends Justin and Alise and their four kids and Crystal's kids over for some fun, today I went to the Salt Lake temple with my friend Kari, tomorrow we are having two families in our ward over for some fun, and on Friday we are going to visit my parents!!! I have decided it is very good for me to plan time to get together with friends, because although I'm not a terribly outgoing person, I do love people and it's good for my soul to spend time with friends. And it's wonderful, because now that I'm married to Chad, I have so many more wonderful friends!

And last but not least, Chad is so good at making the home look good. So many people have asked me if I have beautified the home since moving in with him, but to be honest, Chad has done a lot more beautifying than I have since we got married. He is so good at organizing and cleaning and arranging our things so they look good. I love living with him (but for a lot more reasons than just that)!


Kami Hall said...

I'm glad you guys are adjusting so well! It sounds like you've been keeping busy too! I'm glad you're having fun!

Michelle Pyne said...

Yes, forget the pictues and just write! So glad you feel adjusted to married life! Your social calendar sounds wonderful! Can't wait to talk more about the 1812 Overture! And I can't wait to see you both this weekend!

Audra said...

Life is good! What a wonderful thing to get together with friends so much. It does make life better!

Shana said...

I am so happy that everything is going so well for you!!! It sounds like Chad is making you a happy woman! Isn't it so nice being together every night instead of only on the weekends? I bet you are loving every minute of it. That is great you guys have so many friends to spend your time with as well!!! Have fun in Oregon this weekend!!! Love ya girl.

Chris said...

I'm glad you're enjoying married life Abbi. Now you also have more in common with your sisters and friends. It's fun to make new friends too. You'll love that. And they'll love being friends with you. Have fun at your parents home!!!

Jessi said...

It's so good to hear you are happy!!!!

Crystal said...

Dale and I went to the 1812 Overture in Deer Valley when we were dating. It is fun. I loved the canons at the end. You have a busy social calender. Thanks for fitting us in.