Friday, May 30, 2008

Nieces and Nephews

I love my nieces and nephews so much! At Adam and Jessie's wedding in Colorado I tried to get pictures of me with each one of them, but I was unsuccessful (I didn't get one with Jordan or Emily). I'll get one with them the next time I see them!

My affectionate and helpful McKenna.

My confident and beautiful Lydia.

My kind-hearted and easy-going Kyle.

My humorous and friendly Jordan (he's on the right in this picture).

My expressive and imaginative Emily.

My goofball and chocolate-loving Tanner.

My gregarious and silly Summer.

And last, but most definitely not least, my CUTE and SWEET Josh!

I love them all so much!

One of my most favorite parts of having my family visit was the day after Adam and Jessie's wedding. It was the first day of May, and it snowed! We were all tired from the wedding celebrations from the previous two days, so we slept in and took it easy for the day. The adults ate leftovers and played Settlers of Catan while the kids watched movies and played video games (thanks Nate and Michelle for letting us borrow your Wii!). It felt just like Christmas morning to me (snow and all)! :) The same happiness, family-togetherness, excitement, and carefree feelings of Christmas were in the air. Later that day we went to the Rec Center and played games and swam in the pool with the kids. It was so much FUN!

I treasure that day in my heart when I feel sad, stressed, or I miss my family. I love my family so, so, so much and am so grateful for that fun week we were able to spend together. For quite a while after they left every little part of my home reminded me of my family--"That's where McKenna slept," "This is where we had such a nice FHE put on by my wonderful parents," "This is where we played Settlers of Catan together," etc., etc. I'm so glad they were able to stay with us. Thanks for staying with us, even if it was a little cramped and maybe not the most comfortable place to stay!

Adam and Jessie's wedding was beautiful and wonderful. We are so happy for them, and excited to have Jessie in our family.


Jessi said...

The day after the wedding was one of my favorites as well. It is always so much fun when we are able to get together.

Michelle Pyne said...

Wooohooo! Abbi blogged! You have helped raise those darling nieces and nephew's too! That's why they're so wonderful! And it was fun to have Christmas in May! That's a perfect way to celebrate our anniversary! Love the pic's of you and the nieces/nephews!

Audra said...

You totally have helped raise these kids! Especially when they were all babies.

Thank you for loving my boys!

Audra said...

Oh, and I was completely comfortable at your home! Loved our room, and I especially liked how Chad put the cereals out on the counter for us. Does anybody else get a little excited by a line of cereal boxes? I'm serious.