Friday, May 14, 2010

Expressing Love

I have been counting my blessings this week, because I have so many. My heart is overwhelmed by the love I feel for my kids and the love I feel from them. It is one of the most amazing blessings in my life. In my previous jobs there was a policy against saying, "I love you," but there is no policy against that phrase at my current job. And what a difference it makes in my day!! Some of my kids are so good at saying, "I love you, Ms. Abbi" and they will say that to me at the most random times of the day. I love it and try to show them how much I appreciate it when they tell me that. And I try to tell my kids often how much I love them as well. My life is beautiful because of this, that we frequently and openly express love for one another. These three words have a powerful affect on an environment when they are used often. I am so grateful for my kids and the love I feel when I'm with them. I am blessed beyond measure.


Katie said...

I love it! ;)

Michelle Pyne said...

You are full of love, and when you let it out, it multiplies! The kids in your class are so fortunate to spend most of the day with someone who really loves them. May we all be as good as you and your kids in expressing love.

Chris said...

We all love hearing those 3 words. I can only imagine how much they love hearing you tell them that you love them and having you hear them tell you. It must make your heart swell! They're so blessed to have you Abbi.

gisela korin said...

I am a kindergarten teacher myself here where I live,Buenos Aires,Argentina and it makes me very happy to realize than there are people in the states who can show their feelings as Latin-American do.It is even more rewarding for the adult than what it really is for the kids! Good for you!!!
Love your blog!!!