Sunday, June 1, 2008

Tag from Mom

How long have you been married? Almost one year! :)
How old is your spouse? 31
Who eats more? Depends on what rotation Chad is on (he loses his appetite when he works long hours and nights). But when he has a normal schedule, he eats more than me, but not by much.
Who is taller? Chad by about 3 inches.
Who sings better? About the same.
Who is smarter? Definitely Chad.
Who controls the T.V. remote? Chad—I don’t watch all that much TV.
Whose temper is worse? Neither of us have bad tempers, I’d say we’re about the same.

Who does the laundry? Mostly me, but Chad does it sometimes too.
Who does the dishes? Mostly me.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? When you’re looking at it, me. When you’re sitting on it, Chad.
Who cooks dinner? Since I’ve been working until 6 most nights, neither of us. Thank you frozen pizzas, cereal, toast, and take-out! :) But I am going to try to be better and cook more often in the next couple months.
Who is more stubborn? Again, I think we’re about the same.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Sorry to be redundant, but I think we’re about the same. I might be first a little more often, but maybe I just think that because I'm me! :)
Whose parents do you see the most? Definitely Chad’s. But we’re going to visit my parents in July and I can’t wait!
Who has more friends? We probably have about the same, but I contact mine more often.
Who has more siblings? Chad by 2.
Who wears the pants in the family? We share the pants—I get one leg, he gets the other! :)

1 comment:

Michelle Pyne said...

Good job on the tag! We're kind of the same, don't you think?