Friday, November 7, 2008

Taught Right

I can tell that one boy in my class has been taught how to treat girls nicely. I'm assuming it's from his dad, who drops him off and picks him up and always makes sure that he gives his little sister a hug and kiss good-bye in the morning. Here's one experience I had this week which made me really appreciate his upbringing:

Every once in a while I will write short notes to my students on the white board. It's good for literacy, and my kids get so excited about having a letter written just to them. I've also found that they love it when I sign my name as something other than "Ms. Abbi."

This week I wrote a note to the whole class, and then I gave each child a turn to have the note be written just to them and from someone other than Ms. Abbi--"Ms. Bones," "Ms. Kitty," "Ms. Grumpy," etc. They thought that was so funny, me signing my name as something I am not.

In the last note I put it as from "Ms. Beautiful." By this point they were primed to laugh at whatever I wrote, and in the spirit of the humor, one of the little girls in my class said laughingly, "Ms. Abbi, you're not beautiful!" To which another little boy responded quite defensively, "Yes she is! Ms. Abbi IS beautiful!"

Now that little boy was taught right! :)


Jessi said...

Yep, you are beautiful. That little boy knew what he was talking about.

Michelle Pyne said...

That little boy just knows beauty when he sees it. The little girl, on the other hand, does not :)

Shana said...

That is sooo precious and YES, you are beautiful!! He was taught right and also has good eye sight!! :)

Shana said...

That is sooo precious and YES, you are beautiful!! He was taught right and also has good eye sight!! :)

Shelley said...

I love kindergartners! Is that how it's spelled? You are such a great teacher. I love the stories you share. And. . . of course, you are beautiful. I hope to teach my boys right, as well.