Thursday, February 21, 2008

I've Been Tagged

Carrie tagged me, so here goes: (Sorry it took me so long, Carrie!)

*10 Years Ago?
Was not the most shining time of my life. Let's just say MIDDLE SCHOOL. You all probably understand.

*5 Things On My To Do list?
1-Write and send late wedding cards to four of my newly married friends.
2-Write and send letters to four of my missionary friends.
3-Work on planning curriculum for my cute and challenging preschoolers.
4-Nail up the framed pictures I have ready to put up on our walls (yay, I'm finally decorating!).
5-Get our food storage rolling (visit Costco and the cannery).

*3 Bad Habits?
1-Looking for split ends in my hair. I'm seriously compulsive about it.
2-Spending too much time on the computer.
3-Putting off cleaning anything until it's really dirty.

*Places I have Lived?-

*Things Most People Don't Know About Me?
1-I love performing on stage (as long as I feel well trained and prepared for whatever I am supposed to be doing). Whenever I was in ballroom dance competitions in college, I LOVED walking out on the dance floor and performing for the audience and judges.
2-I love sleeping and can sleep for really long periods of time if I don't set an alarm clock (hence that rarely happens).


Michelle Pyne said...

I love reading these personal info blogs! But you were wonderful when you were in middle school. I guess you just didn't know it. I should have done a better job letting you know how fantastic you are.

Michelle said...

I love it! Thanks for sharing. You are too cute!

Elaine said...

That was fun to read and you are so nice to THANK US for coming and Eating your delicious food and company.. We had a great time.

Kami Hall said...

That was fun, thanks!