Monday, January 21, 2008

A Few Things


I wanted to thank Jessi for posting on her blog here about Google Reader! I’ve been using it and it has been saving me a ton of time. I would recommend it to everyone. It’s been so nice to go right to the blogs that are updated, comment on them, and be done, instead of checking and rechecking a lot of blogs every day that aren’t updated. THANK YOU JESSI!

And Second:

I wanted to share with you the happy news that I did my hair curly for three days last week! I recently blogged about how much I loved how my hair went curly in Hawaii, and I was able to get it to go like that here in Utah! I’ve always wanted curly hair, and I am so excited about this. Even though it’s just the bottom half of my hair that goes curly, I still like it, because I can put half of it up in a clip and it still looks curly. I hope this lasts, and it wasn’t just lucky hair days for a few days. Here’s a picture I took of myself, I was so excited about my curly hair:

And Third:

Today it snowed a lot again, and to be completely honest, I don’t mind it at all! It is so fun and beautiful. The only two things I don’t like about it are: driving in it and knowing my family and friends are driving in it, and how it makes going running harder. But I do love how it’s so pretty and it makes the day out of the ordinary. I have shoveled our driveway so many times since the first time I shoveled it on December 1, and I have to say I’m getting a lot better at it! Today I shoveled about four inches of snow off our driveway twice, once before going to work and once after work, and I was pretty proud of how quickly I could get it done. See this picture of our house? Well, the mounds of snow around our driveway and in front of our house are at least double now! We have been getting so much snow!


Chris said...

You look darling with straight or curly hair!! And your home is so beautiful. We're so blessed to get all this snow but I'm like you in that I don't like driving in it or have my family driving in it..But it sure is pretty!!

Audra said...

I wanted to set up the Google reader so bad, but couldn't make the time to do it. Days kept going by and I still hadn't set it up. Then Jessi offered to do it for me! What a service, huh! And I absolutley love it. So thank you from me also, Jessi! It has changed my life!

Jessi said...

1. Your are so very welcome!
2. I am so impressed that you shovel your driveway! The days it snowed here I curled up in bed and refused to go outside. :)
3. I've recently discovered that my hair is kind of curley, too. Just on the bottom, like yours. I've found that headbands look cute.

Kami Hall said...

You look darling! I'm impressed you do all the shoveling! Good job!

Michelle Pyne said...

Hooray for Mrs.Super Shoveler! Way to go! That's some mighty fine exercise you're getting there! Don't worry about not running as long as you're shoveling away. But I'm right with you on the driving part. Driving in snow makes for some extremely white knuckles and tense shoulders!

I have always loved your hair curly! How do you get it to do that? You look great in curls! (But of course you look great in straight, too!)

Shana said...

You are so cute Abbi! I need to set up the google reader. It will save me tons of time! I love your hair, you are so pretty!!! And way to go on the shoveling! I hate it and won't do it at all. I am not good at it!!! WAY TO GO GIRL!!! LOVE YOU!

Shana said...

Hey Abbi
You should wear your retainer forever after your braces. You don't need to wear them every day, but at night or a few days a week I think you should wear it just so that you can make sure your teeth don't move. :)

Michelle said...

I love it curly! It is so cute! And way to go on the shoveling! You are going to have buff arms by the end of winter! It is a good work out.

Kimberlie said...

Abbi you're so cute curly or straight! I need to set up google reader too. Good for you Shoveling the snow. I think I've done it maybe 4 times my whole life at my parents. We haven't really lived in climates that it snows much though. But I still don't think I would do it.

Elaine said...

I have so loved the snow too. And your hair is cute, I need to set up Google reader, How do you do it??

Laura said...

I totally agree with you about google reader! Except that now I forget to comment on everyone's blogs (obviously. . .) I'm working on it. I love the pictures of the snow! I desperately miss shoveling snow. I think it's one of my favorite wintertime activities. :) So enjoy it on my behalf!